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43 Reasons to be ROMANTIC

This is valentine, Valentine is a special day for all of us to express our love to our beloved. Let us have some details why we need to be romantic in our life. These romantic reasons was taken from an email forwarded to me by my friend. So BEPenfriends doesn't hold any copyright on this article.

You'll be happier- When we are romantic we get attention from lot of persons, so naturally we will be happy.

Your partner will be happier- Partner, Hey buddy when we are romantic then its creates a happy mood with our partner. For that reason only we are romantic

You'll have sex more often- Its a proven theory that when singles are happy and romantic persons they get involved into sex more ofen than any others

You'll enjoy sex more- when you are happy you will have sex with full determination and concentration. When you are determined with a job then you produce best in that

You'll keep your love alive- Romantic persons love will have deep relationship and mutual attraction, which helps our love life alive.

You'll experience the spark of infatuation again- When you are romantic in your love life you will see a spark of love in you and your partner heart.

You'll reduce the chance your partner might cheat on you- Who will cheat when you are romantic

You'll increase the probability that you'll stay married

You'll add depth and meaning to your relationship

You will create a safe haven where you can really be yourself

You will be truly heard and deeply understood by one other human being

You'll save money by expressing your love in lots of little, creative ways

Exercising your creativity will benefit you in other areas of your life

You'll probably live longer- Sex life and romantic life makes a couple live longer. Sex life comes when you are romantic

You'll be better parents- romantic couples will make their home happy and peacefully which brings joy to house. When there is joy we will have calm mind which will make us a better parents and examples for our children

You'll be great role models for your children

You'll be great role models for friends and neighbors

Your children will understand love better than most kids

Your children will experience what love is really all about

Your children will have a better chance of choosing partners wisely

Your children will be better able to create healthy love relationships

Romance in life brings everything, It is a vast topic like sea but brings a lot of joy in life sourroundings

You'll make the world a better place

You'll come to appreciate your own uniqueness

You'll come to appreciate your partner's uniqueness

You'll reduce or eliminate therapy bills!- when you are happy your doctor will stay away from you

You'll get more of what you want out of life

You'll strengthen your self-esteem and self-confidence

You'll never have to write to Dear Abby for love advice

You'll be better able to live your faith (love is central to every religion)

You will have the quiet confidence that you've achieved something that few people accomplish

You'll create a truly mature relationship

You'll move beyond treating your partner like a stereotype

You'll have more energy and focus for your career

You'll surprise your skeptical in-laws!

You'll deepen your understanding of the opposite sex

You'll re-connect with your creative, impulsive, spontaneous, childlike nature

You'll live up to your true potential in life

You'll never again be panic stricken on Valentine's Day

You'll never again have to feel guilty for having forgotten a birthday or anniversary

You'll stay young-at-heart

Love makes the world go 'round

Your partner wants you to be romantic—What more reason do you need?

Why not??

Friends and lovers, Be Romantic always, it brings lot of joy and health to us. Romantic life will never end in sorrow and face every problem with courage and mutual understanding. There will be a mutual understanding between you and your beloved. Romance life makes neighbor envy but owners pride. Be romantic with a smile. "Smile is a small curve which straightens lot of things". Smile will stay in your face when your heart is full of joy. Heart will be full of joy when you get good relationship. Good relationship will be there when you both are romantic. So Be Romantic always.

This article isn't mine. It is a forwarded email for me. I was attracted by the reasons so I am publishing. BEPenfriends doesn't hold any copyright on this material.

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